Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

We were supposedly going to wake up at 7:00 a.m. but we didn’t cause of last night. It is currently 8:35 a.m. and I’m the only one awake. My plan to wake up the boys was to jump in their beds so I did, and it worked.  It is now 9:55 a.m. and we are out heading to Italy in Miniature which is a kind of theme park. When we arrived we saw that the place had the main attractions in Italy in miniature which we found very funny.  There were a few rides in which we got on, they were pretty cool. After leaving the place we went Museo di Palazzo Poggi, this museums theme was science and art. There were many beautiful body sculptures which we found weird yet interesting.  It has a little bit of science and history that has to with Italy back then. After visiting this museum we went to go eat at a famous restaurant called Croce di Malta. The place was elegant with a beautiful porch with a fountain right beside it.  We ate fish and drank expensive wine. We  ended the day by going home and watched The Incredibles.  It was a classy day.

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